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  • newmusicmuse

Meet Fat, Evil Children

Where are you from?

Sebastian’s from San Diego. Diego’s from Dallas. Truman is from Chicago. And I’m (Nic) from LA basically. We all met in LA and live here now.

How did you come up with the name of your band?

It comes from this guy called Jack Logan. He’s an artist that made a ton of great music in the 90s. He did a series of drawings called Fat, Evil Children and we stole it from that. We used one of his drawings for the cover of our debut EP. And a Logan song called “New Used Car and a Plate of Barb-B-Que” was the song that brought us all together in the very beginning.

Who are some of your favorite artists and how do they influence your sound?

It’s kind of difficult to say. Diego really loves Drake. Says he really inspires his work. I was listening to a lot of Elliott Smith and Cap’n Jazz when we were recording the album. Sebastian was listening to a lot of Hotline TNT and Nick Brobak. And Truman loves Bryson Tiller and Ice Spice. (And Jack Harlow)

how would you describe your style of music?


What song of yours would you put your listeners on to first and what song are you most proud of and why?

Probably Weedpuller. There’s a harmonica in it and people really like that. We’re all really proud of Running. It’s our favorite to do live because it has so much energy. It’ll be out on the 26th.

What can we expect from upcoming releases?

We’re putting out an album May 17th. We’ve been working on it since January. It’s 13 songs and 43 minutes. We’re really proud of that. It was all made in Truman’s shed and in that time we all got much closer as musicians and as friends. We can’t wait for everyone to hear it.

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